INDUSTREX Chemicals for Manual Processing

High chemical stability ensures consistent image quality over an extended period of time. Carestream’s new Odorless Manual Processing Chemical take the guesswork out of manual processing with ease of use.

INDUSTREX Chemicals for Manual Processing

High chemical stability ensures consistent image quality over an extended period of time. Carestream’s new Odorless Manual Processing Chemical take the guesswork out of manual processing with ease of use.

INDUSTREX Manual Developer

Manual Developer (2x5L bottles of concentrate) to make 40L/10 gallons. Recommended manual processing development time and temperature is 4 minutes @ 22°C (72°F). Developer is a single part concentrate dilutes 1+3w/H2O; Replenishment rate 665mL/m2 of film; working strength SG 1.078

INDUSTREX Manual Fixer

Manual Fixer (2x5L bottles of concentrate) to make 40L/10 gallons. Fixer is a single part concentrate dilutes 1+3 w/H2O; Replenishment rate 1200mL/m2 of film; working strength SG 1.095

INDUSTREX Manual Stop Bath

1L bottle of single part concentrate when mixed provides 20L/5 gallons of working strength stop bath solution used in manual processing applications. Manual Stop Bath is odorless and contains a color indicator that turns color at pH 5.2 from orange-yellow to magenta/red when exhausted. Single part concentrate dilutes 1+19 w/H2O.

INDUSTREX Manual Rinse Solution

  • 1L bottle of single part concentrate when mixed provides 20L/5 gallons of working strength rinsing solution used in manual processing applications.
  • Manual Rinse Solution is a wetting agent that effectively reduces water spots and drying marks on film. Single part concentrate dilutes 1+19 w/H2O
  • Catalog Number: 1057025


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