LRM XXI Wire Rope Diagnostic System

The LRM®XXI Diagnostic System is very helpful in evaluating the technical condition of the tested wire rope in full cross section and in full available length of wire rope in the fastest way. MRT Equipment can detect weakness section of the rope expressed in percentage of loss of metallic area.

LRM XXI Wire Rope Diagnostic System

Laboratory LRM-NDE provides the most innovative Wire Rope Diagnostic System for Magnetic Rope Testing (MRT) method in Non-Destructive Testing (NDT).

The LRM®XXI Wire Ropes Diagnostic System can help to increase the safety and lifetime of wire ropes.

The LRM®XXI Diagnostic System is very helpful in evaluating the technical condition of the tested wire rope in full cross section and in full available length of wire rope in the fastest way. MRT Equipment can detect weakness section of the rope expressed in percentage of loss of metallic area.

The LRM®XXI Wire Rope Diagnostic System (Wire Rope Tester) is Portable, Handheld and Lightweight.

The LRM®XXI enables detecting long changes in the rope cross-section due to corrosion and wear (LMA sensor) and local changes, e.g. broken wires, corrosion pitting and other local rope damage (LF sensor).

The inspection results are said to be reliable, accurate and repeatable. Due to the use of Magnetic method for testing of wire ropes the external coating (e.g. grease and anti-corrosion protection) does not influence the quality of the results.

The LRM®XXI is designed, constructed and manufactured to work in harsh environmental conditions.



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